Until Taina



I have been traveling to other Countries on mission trips for well over 20 years. These trips often take me to Orphanages. Orphanages are the saddest places on earth. They contain beautiful children with  hopelessness in their eyes. It is hard not to get emotional and even harder to not get attached. Because of the emotions tied to visiting these institutions I purposefully never let myself get a heart connection with just one child. UNTIL… Taina. (pronounced Ti-ena)

While leading a team to Haiti in 2013 we drove our van into the guarded gates of CAD Orphanage. The children at CAD have mostly been brought there by IBESR. (Haitian Social Services) These children have experienced more sorrow and injustice than any child should ever have to go through. As we drive through the gates the children begin to surround the van just waiting for us to get out and for them to “pick their friend”. They are so hungry for human affection,attention and love. It always amazes me that they migrate toward just the right person for them. A person that will show them the beauty of God’s love for the days that we are there.

Again, I typically avoid focusing on just one child but on this particular day Taina found me and was determined that I would show her and her alone attention. And once she called me Gigi it was instant love for both of us. Our bond became strong as I continued to visit Taina. We also communicate regularly through notes, gifts, and video calls.

Taina is currently about 11 years old, however that is kind of a guess because she really doesn’t know when her birthday is. There is little known about her past because she really doesn’t like to talk about it. What is known is that her mother is dead, possibly due to the 2010 earthquake. After the death of her mother she became a restavek.

A restavek (or restavec) is a child in Haiti who is sent by his or her parents to work for a host household as a domestic servant because the parents lack the resources required to support the child. The children are often times abused and harshly mistreated. The Haitian government has acknowledged that the Restavec system is a form of modern child slavery, and has made the ownership of Restavecs illegal, though has taken no actions to stop the practice of it, and has even remarked that it is part of the Haitian culture.

Taina only says that her “aunt” was mean to her and she eventually ran away to the streets of Port a Prince where she was found and taken to the orphanage.

Taina was also born with a heart defect. I was not aware of this until the fall of 2015. Apparently the orphanage knew of this health issue but she was receiving no treatment. It was very evident that her health was rapidly declining. Through a series of people, prayer, contacts, appointments and phone calls that only God could have arranged Taina was approved for a life saving surgery through an American Organization.There were factors that could hinder the surgery from being a success. She was partially malnourished  and she needed to be strong to undergo the surgery as well as have exceptional post surgery care. She would not get that where she was. I immediately began praying about moving Taina to a home where she would get the care and love she needed. This seemed impossible! But I love that the Jesus I follow is a God of the impossible.

I am happy to say that Taina’s surgery took place on February 23rd. Even though I had just returned from Guatemala, I felt compelled to go and help with her recovery. Even as I was there with her I kept asking myself, “what are you doing?” “why are you here?” I may never know the answer to those questions. All I do know is that there is a little girl in Haiti who now knows that she has not been forgotten by her God. That He considers her so special that He sent someone to show her just how much He loves her.

Taina still has a long road of recovery ahead of her. I do not know what the future holds for her. For now she is in a loving, nurturing and more importantly Godly environment. I do know that God knows her by name and that He has a special plan for her life. It is children like Taina that give me hope for Haiti’s future and keep me going back to do my small part in telling them that they can make a difference.

None of this has anything to do with Genia. It has everything to do with a Heavenly Father that cares for the one as much as he cares for the multitudes. As 2016 began I knew God was calling me to be a voice for those who have no voice. This time it just happened to be the voice of a child. I have always been told that He shows no favoritism, but I am pretty sure He has a special love for children.

Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.- Jesus

Genia O’Neal